There's a Surgery in the Nugent Room this Saturday at 10 - 11 Two councillors will be there to try and answer your questions and listen to what you have to say. We can’t promise answers on the...
Dunsfold Parish Council By Election 2nd May 2024
Waverley Borough Council website has published the following notice: 'A by-election to fill the casual vacancy on Dunsfold Parish Council has now been requested by more than 10 registered...
Notice of Vacancy Dunsfold Parish Council
Dunsfold - Notice of Vacancy 20.02.24 2 NOTICE OF VACANCY IN OFFICE OF COUNCILLOR Parish of Dunsfold NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a casual vacancy has arisen in the Office of...
Surrey rights of way and road safety consultations
There are two live county-wide consultations which may be of particular interest to Dunsfold residents. These are due to be considered by Dunsfold Parish Council at its February meeting: Surrey...
KGV Meeting – 7:30pm, Monday 18th December @ Nugent Room, Winn Hall
The KGV Management Committee of Dunsfold Parish Council will be holding a meeting on 18th December 2023 at 7:30pm in the Nugent Room, Winn Hall Dunsfold. The public are welcome to attend and put...
Information on Riparian Ownership (watercourses)
Prompted by a recent informal surgery/drop-in query concerning a large fallen tree in a village river, anyone who lives or owns property near a watercourse may be interested to read the below...
Article in Parish Magazine
Dunsfold Parish Council asks …. What would you – the villagers of Dunsfold - like from us? Obviously, we can’t provide the winning lottery ticket, but we committed when we were first...
Surrey Police – Waverley Safer Neighbourhood Team Newsletter
Given the reports of crime and anti-social behaviour in the village recently, residents might be interested in the latest newsletter from the Waverley Safer Neighbourhood Team: Waverley...
Village phone box
Villagers might be interested in the following information obtained from BT regarding the red phone box. The deteriorating structural condition has been reported to BT . This has been logged to be...
How and where to report key village issues
Given some recent events in the Dunsfold community, it is worth reminding the village of a few key points of contact: Reporting a crime (info taken from Surrey Police website on 13/7/23) Is it...