Dunsfold Community Speed Watch

Dunsfold Community Speed Watch

Dunsfold Community Speed Watch 

Dunsfold has an active Community Speed Watch team comprising a number of volunteer residents. The objective is to deter drivers from speeding through our village and to make the road across the Common safer for all users, including walkers.

The team works in conjunction with Surrey Police and is coordinated and managed entirely separately from the Parish Council, but the statistics are kindly provided to the Parish Council and published on this page. There are no sessions during the winter months.

New volunteers are always welcome. If you are interested in joining, please contact the team’s coordinator Catherine Field on Training from Surrey Police will be provided.



October 2023

No. of sessions: 1

No. vehicles recorded exceeding the 40 mph speed limit: 2

Max speed recorded: 50 mph (+25%)

September 2023

No. of sessions: 3

No. vehicles recorded exceeding the 40 mph speed limit: 23

Max speed recorded: 54 mph (+35%)

August 2023

No. of sessions: 3

No. vehicles recorded exceeding the 40 mph speed limit: 29

Max speed recorded: 60 mph (+50%)

July 2023

No. of sessions: 3 (note the road works/traffic lights)

No. vehicles recorded exceeding the 40 mph speed limit: 16

Max speed recorded: 52 mph (+30%)


Since recording on a new system began on 7 April 2021 the cumulative figures to Oct 2023 are:

No of sessions: 69

No. vehicles recorded exceeding the 40 mph speed limit: 343

Max speed recorded: 67 mph (+67%)


As local residents, Parish Councillors share concerns about speeding in the village. Several councillors are also volunteers with the Speed Watch group.

Councillors also continue to liaise with our county councillor on the status of Surrey County Council’s review of speed limits in Surrey villages.

If you have any views or thoughts on this (or any other topic), please contact the Parish Council, or attend one of our surgeries/drop-in sessions to share your views with us.