Dunsfold Parish Council asks ….
What would you – the villagers of Dunsfold – like from us?
Obviously, we can’t provide the winning lottery ticket, but we committed when we were first elected to be as open and responsive to your needs as we could be, so here goes.
One way we’ve been listening is our fortnightly surgeries in the Nugent Room, where two or more councillors attend to listen to the kind of issues and questions you might have. We’ve heard about many topics from speed limits to making new uses of the Village phone box. We are keeping a close eye on Surrey County Council which is developing a new Road Safety Strategy (including speed limit policy) and we will watch how that evolves.
So here are a few things we’re doing
- In view of the recent crime we have experienced locally, we have been discussing ways to re-ignite Neighbourhood Watch in conjunction with other Village organisations.
- We have hired an independent consultancy – UVE – to help us with getting the Neighbourhood Plan into the best possible shape, to protect our village from excessive development.
- We’ve been poring over the KGV arrangements to plan how we can make it more enjoyable for villagers and other users. Please tell us your views. What do you like/dislike about the KGV*?
- Work has been moving ahead on the Platinum Jubilee Garden as you may have seen around the School Pond. Three new bridges have been installed in the woods ahead of fitting the coming pathway.
- We are working with Surrey County Council on the paths around the village. These are taking a while to be fixed. However, work should be commencing on the path next to Coombebury Cottage very shortly. Hurrah from the walkers!
*To give us your views go to and click on Contact at the bottom of the home page. If you want updates as they are loaded onto the website then go to and go to the bottom of the page to “Help us to Keep You Informed” and subscribe.