After many years of campaigning by a number of villages, Dunsfold village is now within an HGV exclusion zone which is detailed on the linked map here . Surrey HGV Exclusion Zone Map. This means that...
Dunsfold Parish Council – Full Council Meeting Agenda, 11th February 2025
Dear all, Please see the attached for the next full council meeting of Dunsfold Parish Council - to be held in the Winn Hall, at 7.30pm on 11th February 2025. The dropbox link is now live, with...
Dunsfold Park – new access arrangements
Important information about changes to accessing Dunsfold Park - FROM THIS SUNDAY 28TH JANUARY (6AM): THERE WILL BE NO ACCESS TO THE PARK AT ALL VIA STOVOLDS HILL (permanent...
Information regarding the Election of a Borough Councillor on Thursday 1st December
A vacancy has occurred in the Office of Councillor for the Chiddingfold & Dunsfold ward.
A vacancy has arisen in the Office of Councillor for the Parish Council of Dunsfold.
Dunsfold Neighbourhood Plan Regulation 14 Consultation update
The Neighbourhood Plan regulation 14 consultation period has been extended by 2 weeks to Monday 3rd October 2022 This has been done in consultation with Waverley Borough Council in order...
Agenda for the Annual Parish Council Meeting which is on Thursday 12th May at 7.30pm (Click the link)
DPC Annual meeting Agenda 12th May...
Notice of Extraordinary Parish Council Meeting
Thames Water Update
Thames Water have just sent us their answers to the questions that were put to them at the village meeting held in December 2019. This represents the current latest information they have for...