Terms of Reference

Terms of Reference


Dunsfold Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group Terms of Reference
1. Purpose
The main purpose of the Dunsfold Steering Group is to oversee the preparation of the Neighbourhood Plan for Dunsfold Village in order that this will then progress to Independent Examination and a successful community referendum and ultimately be adopted by Waverley Borough Council to become planning policy.
The Steering Group will engage the local community to ensure that the Plan is truly representative of the ambitions of Dunsfold. The Group will maximise support for the approach taken in the Neighbourhood Plan by ensuring high levels of community engagement throughout the plan-making process.
2. Principles
The Steering Group will undertake the process in a democratic, transparent and fair fashion, encouraging widespread participation and giving equal consideration to opinions and ideas from all members of the community.
All decisions made shall be fully evidenced and supported through consultation with the local community.
3. Roles and Responsibilities
The Steering Group will carry out the following roles:
Be accountable for steering and providing strategic management of the Neighbourhood Plan for Dunsfold;
Produce, monitor and update a project timetable;
Produce a consultation and engagement strategy, showing how the public will be involved throughout the process;
Regularly report back to the Parish Council for endorsement of decisions taken; Undertake analysis and evidence gathering to support the plan production process;
Actively support and promote the preparation of the Dunsfold Neighbourhood Development Plan throughout the duration of the project;
Identify sources of funding;
Liaise with relevant authorities and organisations to make the plan as effective as possible.
Gather data from a wide range of sources to ensure that the conclusions reached are fully evidenced and that the aspirations and issues of all residents are understood
Consult as widely and thoroughly as is possible to ensure that the draft and final NDP is representative of the views of residents;
Agree, subject to ratification by the Parish Council, a final submission version of the Dunsfold Neighbourhood Development Plan;

4. Membership
The Steering Group will be made up of a cross-section of volunteers from the community including Parish Councillors. Effort will be made to seek representation from under- represented sections of the community.
The initial members of the Steering Group shall be –
Steven Haines, Chairman, Alastair Bentall, Ginny Fraser, John Gray, Lynne Hamill, Julia Quaile, Larry Westland, and Richard Woof
Additional members shall be appointed by co-option by the existing members. A member of the Steering Group shall cease to be a member if:
• he or she retires by notifying the Chair of the Steering Group in writing
• the other members by an ordinary resolution resolve that the member should be
removed because he or she
o isabsentfromallmeetingsheldwithinaperiodofthreemonths;or
o isotherwiseinmaterialbreachofhisorherobligationsasamember.
5. Decision Making
The Steering Group has full delegated authority from the Parish Council to deliver its plan- making functions up to and including presentation of the Draft Plan to the Parish Council.
The Group will report monthly to the Parish Council setting out progress on its work.
The Parish Council will approve the Submission Draft Neighbourhood Development Plan prior to publication for consultation and independent examination.
The plan-making process remains the responsibility of the Parish Council as the qualifying body.
All publications, consultation and community engagement exercises will be undertaken by or on behalf of the Parish Council with appropriate recognition of the Parish Council’s position given in all communications associated with the project.
6. Meetings
Steering Group meetings will take place monthly or as required.
Where possible, all meetings should be held within the Parish.
The dates of future meetings will be made publicly available via the Parish Council website.
The Steering Group will elect a Chair and Secretary from its membership to remain in those positions until the project is completed. If these positions should become vacant, the Group will elect an alternate.

The Secretary shall keep a record of meetings and circulate notes to Steering Group members and the Parish Council in a timely fashion. Minutes shall be made publicly available on the parish council website.
At least 3 clear days’ notice of meetings shall be sent to members via email or by an alternative agreed communication method.
Decisions made by the Steering Group should normally be by consensus at Steering Group meetings.
Where a vote is required each member shall have one vote.
A minimum of 5 members shall be present where matters are presented for decisions to be taken.
A simple majority vote will be required to support any motion. The Chairman shall have one casting vote.
7. Working Groups
The Steering Group may establish working groups, made up of volunteers from the community to aid them in any Neighbourhood Plan related work.
Each working group should have a lead person from the Steering Group.
Members of the community will be encouraged to participate in the process at all stages.
8. Finance
All grants and funding will be applied for and held by the Parish Council, who will ring-fence the funds for Neighbourhood Development Plan work.
Steering Group members and volunteers will only be entitled to incur expenditure if authorised (whether by agreeing a budget or otherwise) by the Parish Council.
The Parish Council will pay all authorised expenditure direct to the third party to whom payment is due or reimburse authorised expenditure made by a Steering Group member or volunteer.
The Steering Group will give the Clerk of the Parish Council full details of all expenditure incurred and payable and any money received but shall not keep formal accounts.
If the full amount of the expenditure cannot be met by the grant money held by or due to the Parish Council the Steering Group will make every effort to secure funding for the additional expenditure by raising the money (whether by donations from the village residents and businesses or otherwise). If there is still a shortfall the Parish Council will provide the necessary funds up to a maximum of £1,000.00 from its own resources.
9. Conduct
It is expected that all Steering Group members abide by the principles and practice of the Parish Council Code of Conduct including declarations of interest.

Whilst Members as individuals will be accountable to their parent organizations, the Steering Group as a whole is accountable to the wider community for ensuring that the Plan reflects their collective expectations. The Steering Group will achieve this through applying the following principles:
Be clear and open when their individual roles or interests are in conflict;
Treat everyone with dignity, courtesy and respect regardless of their age, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, or religion and belief;
Actively promote equality of access and opportunity.
10. Insurance and Data Protection Legislation
The Parish Council agrees that it will extend its insurance cover (including in particular the cover for third party liability) to the members of the Steering Group and the volunteers and will provide evidence of the cover on request.
The Parish Council confirms that its registration under the Data Protection legislation extends to the activities of the Steering Group and agrees to maintain the registration during the life of the Steering Group.
11. Changes to the Terms of Reference
This constitution may be amended with the support of at least two-thirds of the current membership at a Steering Group Meeting and with the approval of the Parish Council.
12. Dissolution
The Steering Group will be dissolved once its objectives have been attained and/or when at least two-thirds of its members and the parish or town council consider its services are no longer required. The Steering Group will then dispose of any remaining funds held in accordance with any conditions imposed by the grant funders and in the best interests of Dunsfold Village.
SG-TOR 19Oct17