
Surrey rights of way and road safety consultations

There are two live county-wide consultations which may be of particular interest to Dunsfold residents. These are due to be considered by Dunsfold Parish Council at its February meeting:

Surrey County Council Rights of Way survey

Surrey County Council is seeking the views of residents on the county’s Rights of Way to help inform a new Rights of Way Improvement Plan. 

The County Council is responsible for around 2,164 miles (3,482 km) of paths known as ‘public rights of way’ in both the countryside and urban areas. Accessing these paths is important for residents to enjoy and explore, travel to work or school and for health and wellbeing.

A public right of way is a path that anyone, by law, has the right to use. There are four types:

  • Footpaths for walking, mobility scooters or powered wheelchairs
  • Bridleways for walking, horse riding, cycling, mobility scooters or powered wheelchairs
  • Restricted byways for walking, horse riding, cycling, mobility scooters or powered wheelchairs and horse-drawn carriages
  • Byways for all modes including motorised vehicles
Your feedback will help to develop the priorities and actions of the new Rights of Way Improvement Plan, which will be produced in 2024. Once the new Rights of Way Improvement Plan has been finalised and approved by Surrey County Council it will be published on Surrey County Council’s website.
The survey is open until 10 March 2024. 

Vision Zero – Road Safety Strategy 2024-2035

Surrey County Council, Surrey Fire and Rescue Service, National Highways, Surrey Police and the Police and Crime Commissioner (the “Surrey RoadSafe Partnership”), have set out their plans to eliminate road collisions resulting in death or serious injury by 2050. The draft ‘Vision Zero’ strategy focusses on five areas. These are:
  • Safe speeds – ensuring our roads have appropriate speed limits, people comply with speed limits, and they are safe for walkers and cyclists
  • Safe road users – encouraging competent, safe and respectful road users 
  • Safe roads and streets – streets that are well-designed, well-maintained streets and support active travel
  • Safe vehicles – vehicles are well-maintained and designed
  • Post Collision Response – a fast and effective multi-agency response to collisions.
Content in the draft strategy that may be of particular interest to Dunsfold residents:
– Policy on introducing 20mph speed limits (Annex A)
– Strategy for reviewing all national speed limit 60mph roads in rural areas (and replacing, where appropriate, with 40mph limits) by 2028.
– Annex C – average speed camera enforcement is due to be installed:
  • in 2023/24: A281 Birtley Road, Bramley between Park Drive and southern 30mph limit
  • in 2024/25: A283 Petworth Road, Chiddingfold between Skinners Lane and Turners Mead
A public consultation on the draft strategy runs until 24 March 2024.