I live with my wife Barbara (and our cat Harry) on The Green. We love Dunsfold and enjoy attending and helping with village activities and events. I am a retired lawyer (yes another one!) and politician. Before we came to Dunsfold we lived in suburbia. My main aim on the parish council is to stop Dunsfold becoming another suburbia, with soulless developments owing nothing to local design or landscape.
That is not to say I am a “nimby”! As a parish we accepted some time ago we would accommodate at least another 100 houses – a large number for a village with a little over 400 existing homes. So we are doing our “bit” to provide decent, affordable housing, especially for people with local links. And we are already well on the way to meeting our “target”. Some change is inevitable, as long as we preserve the special things about our lovely village.
I want the parish council to be the beating heart of our community – open, transparent and inclusive in its dealings, involved in every aspect of village life, and passionate in defending and enhancing our local environment and village facilities.
Nigel Waterson
Chair of the Council