Here is a list of the fourteen candidates nominated for election to the seven seats available on the Parish Council together with their biographies where...
Annual Parish Meeting in The Winn Hall Tonight!
The Annual Parish Meeting is opportunity for everyone to get together informally to discuss local issues and to hear from the Parish Council, Village clubs and...
Notice of Annual Parish Meeting
Notice of Dunsfold Parish Council Extraordinary Meeting
Roadworks along Dunsfold Common Road starting Monday March 6th
Waverley Borough Council Public Spaces Protection Orders Consultation
Thames Water Update
Thames Water have just sent us their answers to the questions that were put to them at the village meeting held in December 2019. This represents the current latest information they have for...
Confirmation of Surrey County Council’s decision to refuse the Loxley Well Site Application for a second time.
Parish Council Meeting
The next Parish Council Meeting will be conducted remotely via Zoom at 7.30pm on Thursday 11 June The meeting agenda can be viewed here: DPC Meeting Agenda 11 June 2020 Members of the public...
Thames Water Public Meeting