Saturday Surgery is back!
Come and meet your parish councillors outside the shop 11am - 12pm...
Dunsfold Park Supplementary Planning Guide consultation begins today. Have your say!
21122_P_summary board 21122_P_exhibition...
CVs from Candidates for Parish Council by-election on October 7th
Here are links to the biographies from the two candidates standing for the post of parish councillor in the by-election to be held on October 7th. Please note that the polling station is at the KGV...
October 7th By-Election Candidates
A vacancy has arisen in the Office of Councillor for the Parish Council of Dunsfold
Saturday Surgery this weekend 11 September
Dunsfold Parish Council are re starting their Saturday surgery (which takes place on the Saturday preceding our monthly Thursday evening meeting) this weekend. This is an opportunity for people to...
Statement regarding Dunsfold Parish Council’s decision not to withdraw its nomination of The Sun Inn as an Asset of Community Value (ACV)
A casual vacancy has arisen in the Office of Councillor for the Parish Council of Dunsfold
Notice of Dunsfold Parish Council Extraordinary Meeting