
Dunsfold Litter Pick – 19th October 2024

Dunsfold Parish Council Litter Pick Volunteers

A small but dedicated band of volunteers turned up on Saturday 19th October for the inaugural DPC-organised village litter pick.


The group made a bee-line for the north of the village to pick the common along the Dunsfold Common Road. In total the group recovered 8 ½ bags of litter, a yellow bin and numerous bits of broken car trim. Coupled with two fly-tips to be reported to the Borough Council, it was a productive 2 hours! A big thank you to all volunteers, including those who have litter picked the village independently to date.


Future 2025 proposed DPC litter pick dates are quarterly on third Saturday of the month: 18th Jan, 19th April (Easter Sat), 19th July and 18th October. We will meet at 10am outside the village shop. Numbers are limited by the equipment supply, so please contact Mel Shone – 01483 200255 if you would like to join in.