
Draft Steering Group minutes 29 April 2021

Neighbourhood Plan Minutes Uploaded on May 18, 2021


Minutes of the Dunsfold Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group

Held on Thursday 29th April 2021 at 7.30pm, via Zoom.


Steven Haines

Lynne Hamill

Rupert Jones

Stephen Hayward

John Gray

Rob Nunn

Roy Enticknap

Mary Ann Barton

Dave Barton

1. Apologies: Shaun Devoto, Bob Lees.

2. Steering Group: Julia Quaile has resigned from the Steering Group. The meeting

thanked Julia for all her work and support as Secretary of the Steering Group.

Mary Ann Barton agreed to take up the position of Secretary.

3. Minutes of the last meeting: The minutes of the meeting held on 26th November 2020

were approved and will be posted on the website.

4. Dunsfold Park: John Gray gave a short report on the Dunsfold Park change of ownership

from a Waverley point of view – Waverley is short on their 5 years supply, and delay at

Dunsfold Park will exacerbate this shortfall leaving the Borough vulnerable to developers

The concern is that all housing on DP could be lost until there is a new owner and

agreement to build. It is thought possible that a new owner might build out at a faster rate

than Trinity were planning.

The DP situation together with planning applications that are being submitted emphasise the

urgency to get the Dunsfold NP ‘made’ as soon as possible.

5. Village Consultation:

The Group thanked Lynne Hamill for her report and analysis on the village Consultation.

Lynne pointed out that general comments were included where possible.

Development at Wetwood Farm, the Orchard and Binhams Lea were strongly


Views on the proposed development of 10 retirement houses were rejected but there

was support for a smaller development of low-rise retirement housing.

Views on Coombebury were balanced, with an equal number supporting and opposing


Supporters of housing on Springfield exceeded objectors.

Objectors to housing on the School site exceeded supporters.

There is a probability that the school will be challenged and the Steering Group therefore

consider it to be undeliverable. The Diocese and SCC will be asked to withdraw the site –

Stephen Hayward will contact the Diocese. The SCC owned field is subject to a restrictive

covenant and is also considered undeliverable within the Plan.

The removal of the School and playing field will require 12 houses to be found elsewhere to

make up the number required; more if the Alehouse development does not go forward at 10.

These could be within either Coombebury or Springfield and is yet to be discussed and

agreed by the Steering Group.

Two sites are subject to current planning applications, both expected to go to Committee in

May/June. The result of both of these applications will affect our housing numbers.

Shoppe Hill – application for 4 houses: Coombebury – application for 21 houses.

A complaint has been made to Waverley about ‘improper conduct’ by the Steering Group

and this has been noted. The same person has sent a report and complaint to the Steering

Group which is also noted.

6. Waverley: Rupert Jones agreed to help deal with Waverley’s informal comments on our

Draft Plan. Steven Haines will obtain a copy of the Chiddingfold examination Inspector’s


Waverley has offered to check our numbers to make sure we have 68 houses ‘in hand’ and

need to find 32. It was agreed that we accept the offer.

While we are settling the detail of the sites it was agreed that AECOM will be asked to

complete their SEA and Waverley for an HRA opinion.

7. Submission to Dunsfold Parish Council: It was agreed that we are not close to having

a Plan for submission to the Parish Council. Stephen Hayward will report to the next DPC


8. Other Business: The Steering Group supports in principle the School Group in their

efforts to find a workable resolution of the Old School and playing field.

Date for Next meeting – the next meeting will be arranged when we have made progress

on sites and housing numbers.